Anna’s Story

the Short Version: Part 1 of 13 of Anna’s Story at

I imagine that if I were really sick and I was reading a Lyme blog where people were going on about taking your time and remaining calm, I would wonder:

‘Just exactly how sick were you?’

‘What did you take?’

‘Where did you get it?’

‘How much did it cost?’

‘How long did it take you to get better?’

‘And when you say ‘better,’ just exactly how much better?’

If any of it sounded familiar, I would want details.

So, here is a quick overview, followed by a more detailed account.


I am a 45-year-old mother of two who was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, a.k.a. autoimmune thyroid disease, at 40. My main symptoms were fatigue and neurological symptoms including brain fog & anxiety (although there were many others including digestive complaints, constant itching and blurred vision). I was treated for hypothyroidism and a couple of years later I was better, but not fully well, when I was diagnosed with Lyme and its co-infections. On my doctor’s recommendation I went to see Dr. Maureen McShane in New York State. She prescribed the herbal Lyme treatment Beyond Balance; a series of mysterious herbal concoctions that combine antibacterial and antifungal agents with loads of detox.

While we were in Plattsburgh my husband (who had been ill for 8 years) was also diagnosed as suffering with Lyme although his symptoms had been completely different than mine. I did the Beyond Balance treatment for 8 (pretty gruesome) months and feel that I have cleared up much of the infection. My mind is clear. My memory is good. I can help my son with his grade 6 math. I have stopped having to sleep during the day. In addition, many other symptoms have improved. I still take hydrogen peroxide drips, thyroid medication & supplement minerals that were depleted by the infections. I still watch my sleeping and my diet. I will do more Beyond Balance drops and, although much better, am still on the mend.

On to Part 2: Hashimoto’s

Keywords: Personal Lyme story, related conditions, Hashimoto’s, autoimmune disorders, Dr. McShane, Lyme treatment